starting a weight loss journey 'diet'
Hi all, this blog post and hopefully new series I will be writing will focus on health and my health journey. I am at the start at what hopefully will be a road to an overall healthy lifestyle and a lean body. So the past month I have been trying to ‘diet’ for lack of a better term to lose some weight, and simply look and feel healthier. Overall I have had some real struggle so far, and I wanted to share them with you all so if anyone else is feeling the same they know they are not alone.
To fill you in on where I started and where I am currently at: my weight was 3 weeks ago at 73.3kg, this was the starting weight and when I decided it was time to change. At this weight, I realised I wasn’t happy with the extra fat around my stomach that my clothes are no longer fitting me and when I checked my BMI it was not a healthy level (currently in the overweight category). This was all a sign that it is time to make a change to the food I am eating.
Things I’ve learnt/ currently trying out
My diet: I don’t follow a fad diet or restrict my food too harshly. Currently what I am finding best is a wholefood (natural, unprocessed food) so high number of veggies, lean protein (chicken, eggs). I do eat dairy products such as yogurt, but reduce the amount of milk I drink by replacing it with almond milk in teas/coffees and smoothies. I also try my best to eat carbs earlier in the day so I have a chance to use them in my workouts. So, I tend to have wholemeal bread either with breakfast or lunch, but do my best to avoid high carb food in the afternoon and evenings.
I also try to have a treat one day a week usually Sundays, so I usually have dessert (ice-cream ). Instead of having a full cheats day, where I could risk going too far and ruining all the work Ive done through the week, I try to reward my hard work with something I know I enjoy, (ice-cream or chocolate). Still, keep the portions small (enough to enjoy and appreciate the food, but much smaller than my previous serves of the same foods)
Feeling guilty: over the last few weeks I have not been perfect and not stuck to my ideal food plan. I found it so difficult when my weight would increase and I would feel very guilty. I would self-hate and sit on the floor crying.
So now I try to remember its all about me being happy and healthy, so if I don’t always eat the best foods that’s okay, that I just have to stay positive, remember that I'm happy with who I am and not sit in self-doubt and hate making it worse. For me the more I feel bad for myself the less I want to try to improve anyway so let the past go and keep moving forward.
Exercise: remember to not feel guilty if your body hurts or is too tired to exercise, it is a journey no one gets to the peak fitness in a week.
no scales: this is a new one that im trying from today onwards. This past month everyday I have been checking those scales, and sometimes they go down and I feel great and happy. Sometimes they went up from the day before and I felt horrible , felt guilty if I didn’t eat just salad. I would feel sad upset , run up to bed crying. So to reduce this my new plan is to not check my weight for a whole month from now. This way I can just focus on exercise and eating right without the guilt.
I have a long way to go, and overtime Im sure I will learn new lesson or find out I'm not living the best way now but currently I weigh 71.2kg and have lost around 2kg in 3 weeks which I am so proud of.
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