Tips for saving money

So with Uni, I have found money to be a bit of a pinch lately so the following are just some things I have been doing to reduce spending and save money. This may not apply or be useful for all people or you may already do these things, but lately, they have been what I have been trying to do.

The first tip came about as a healthy lifestyle change and not intending to save money but it has been nice to see this additional benefit too. Eating smaller portions. If you have read some of my other posts you may have noticed I have started a healthy lifestyle and weight loss journey. As a part of that, I have focused on reducing my portion size of meals. This has been beneficial to my health as I use to eat huge portions but reducing my portion sizes tends to mean I have leftovers, which I eat as for example lunch the next day saving me money because 1 meal has now become 2 (or close too sometimes bulk out with additional salad for example).

Avoid the soft drink and confectionary ideals. Like the point above this came about from changing my diet and I noticed I tend to spend less at the shops. So, avoid buying a chocolate bar/donut while you’re at the shops simply because it’s there. When I have these in my house I tend to eat them even though I’m not hungry but simply cause I like the taste and it something to do. Same with soft drink/energy drinks or chocolate milk, I tend to buy these and they can all add up. Now I switched these unhealthy options with water (it comes from the tap cheap and great for your body).
Eat the food in your fridge It’s important to keep track of the food you have and what you can make with it. Currently, I eat lots of leafy greens, partly due to health reason and they tend to come in large packs and I don’t want them to go to waste so I will happily eat the same meal multiple times during the week so food doesn’t go to waste. Also, use leftovers you have (previous point) so have it for lunch, or combine it with other food e.g. rice if there isn’t enough for a whole meal. Overall just know what in your fridge and cupboard so that you don’t buy new food and let it go off.
Pre-pack food this is obvious to anyone who trying to save money so take lunch to work or uni, buying food out is expensive so organise it beforehand.
 Also, take a water bottle with you, water is great for your health but generally cost more to buy out then buying a soft drink. So, remember to take a water bottle, also usually a work place/uni and even council area will have free places to fill up drink bottle so keep it on you.
Be mindful when out socially. When you're out with friends or events people love to go out to dinner or coffee/drinks ect. Now it's important to have a social life and see your friends but when out don’t get carry away keep in mind your budget. So maybe be involved in planning activity or locations so they are either free or a restaurant/ activity within your budget. be mindful when ordering, eg going out for coffee with a friend I would use to get a regular or large coffee maybe a piece of cake if your there for a while getting a second coffee. Now I'm a lot more mindful in the same situation I might get on a small coffee and then drink water. I still get the same enjoyment of hanging out and chatting with my friends.

Organise your makeup and know what you have. When there was a sale at Priceline I would go crazy buy all these makeup products because I heard they were so great even though I didn’t need them. So I have organised my makeup know what I have and know what I use up quickly. For example, I currently do not buy eye shadows because in the past they were my favourite things to buy so I have many pallets but also I bought very similar colours.  On the other hand, foundations and mascaras I don’t have many and use quickly so on sale I would pick one of them up.
Have makeup free day. This is good for your skin, but also the more makeup free days you can have the longer your makeup will last you not needing to replace as quick. Also, you use less makeup remover or cleanser to wash your face. If you can wear less makeup for the same reasons.

These are just some of my tips. please leave a comment below with your tips and I may do another one of these in the future. 


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