how to start a blog - how exciting

Hi all, this is my first blog post and I'm so excited to be writing it. At this moment I am not sure how often I will post or what I will post about. The reason that I am doing this is because I want to have an amazing summer where I try new things including writing this blog so over the next few months I will write about my life my experiences and just general things that I love . To be honest I am very excited to being writing a blog and hopefully actually have people read it. 

So why start writing now? Well in case you were wondering I have Uni exams next week and instead of studying all I can think about is summer break. In my head I know I should be learning and studying hard but I honestly was looking for any excuse to just push it off a little and this seemed like a great idea. 

Well I hope that you will all read my summer adventures over the next few months but I best do some study so hopefully I will be writing for you all soon :) 


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